Pedometers at McDonalds? About a year ago, I bought an Omron pedometer. I like it well enough accuracy-wise, but it chews through batteries. These batteries are hard to come by, too. Radio Shack stopped carrying them (#386s) and the only place I can them is ten-at-a-time over the internet at online bicycle supply places. (Go figure.) So, two weeks ago, I bought up the supply at my local Radio Shack. The reviews of the other commercially available basic model (the Oregon Scientific) do not inspire me to go right out and buy one.
Then, tonight, I see that McDonald's has pedometers to give away in a variety of colors, complete with a clever (but not brilliant) ad campaign.
Will I go to McDonalds and buy one of their "adult happy meals" just because I really want to try the free pedometer? Sure! Why not. I'm not ashamed to admit that -- every now and then -- advertising and marketing campaigns actually influence my behavior.
Only trouble is -- I don't know where McDonalds establishments are located because I'm so used to ignoring them.