On our way to Gold Country last week, we had to stop for reading materials at the chain bookstore that was closest to being on our way out of town. I had left the book I was currently reading at home by my bed -- not that I was the only one in our group with a reading fixation. In a fit of thinking I might actually study chess, I bought a couple of chess books. I was discouraged over the course of my Gold Rush trip because I spent a couple hours playing games with the Radio Shack "Talking e-Chess" game my dad bought me last year. After losing miserably, I realized I had it set to the hardest setting. Even though I have since set it to mid-range difficulty, I haven't tried playing again.
I just looked up John on Google and I see that he has authored a couple books. Perhaps I should order them and get signatures. Another guy who hangs out, Francisco someone, just had a chess book published. too. These guys are so way out of my league that I never stay around afterwards to play a game. Well, at least not tonight.